Tips for anyone who can t lose weight…

How can I lose weight in an easy but safe way fast?

I’m 18 and I weigh 173.. Family members keep complaining about my stomach & how I look pregnant when I’m not. I wanna lose weight but I dont know how.

Any ideas?

Step 1:  Eat more frequently. Three meals a day is the norm, but it always helps you to gain weight. The long intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner put your body into starvation mode. This leads to a lower metabolism as the body tries to reserve the food you have already eaten. But by eating small meals every 3 to 4 hours your metabolic rate stays high. You can actually eat more and still lose weight.

Step 2:  Drink more water. One quick weight loss tip is to drink a glass of water before every meal.

Step 3:  Eat fewer carbohydrates and fat.

Step 4:  Be physical active. Exercise is a great way to burn fat. But if you hate to exercise you can just walk more often or use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Step 5:  Eat mostly fruits and vegetables.

This is a Book for those who can t lose weight…

The Skinny: On Losing Weight without Being Hungry-the Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Success (Books)   The Skinny: On Losing Weight without Being Hungry-the Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Success (Books)

Diets – General Health & Fitness – Tried diet after diet and still can t lose weight? It s time to call the expert. In The Skinny , Dr. Louis Aronne, America s top weight-loss specialist, shares the plan that … – The Skinny: On Losing Weight without Being Hungry-the Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss Success (Books)

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If You Can t Lose Weight and You Love to Dance – This is For You!

Zumba Fitness - Latin Workout & Fitness Routine 4 DVD SET Zumba Fitness – Latin Workout & Fitness Routine 4 DVD SET

Zumba is the most fun you will ever have exercising! Lose weight, tone up, feel sexy, get happy – zumba is a combination of dance and fitness moves done to a variety of mostly latin rhythms including salsa, merengue, cha-cha, reggaeton, bachata and more! Even if you cant dance, Zumba will keep you moving. Zumba burns 500 to 800 calories in a one-hour class!

You will feel exhilerated and literally shake away your stress and worries! Zumba Fitness DVD Set Includes the following 4 DVDS:

1. Beginners (Principiantes): LEARN FUN AND EASY STEPS Learn Zumba using easy step-by-step instructions. Use this DVD to learn all the moves needed to get a great workout. This DVD also has a beginners workout. Then move on to all the following:

2. Advanced (Avanzado): TOTAL BODY WORKOUT A total body workout using the moves you learned in the Beginners DVD. Workout to the hottest rhythms and moves with a great soundtrack. Uses rhythms like salsa, soca, merengue, and flamenco.

3. Power (Rapido): TURN UP THE HEAT WITH FAMOUS LATIN HITS The best of the Zumba moves to burn the most calories, tone your body, and have fun doing it.

4. Abs, Buns, and Thighs (Abdominales, Gluteos y Pierna): SHAPE AND TONE YOUR LOWER BODY This DVD combines the best Zumba moves to effectively work these parts of the body. Helps tone the problem areas.


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Could candida be the reason why you can’t lose weight? – part 1

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Could candida be the reason why you can’t lose weight? – part 1

The most common gut problem I see in my clients is a candida overgrowth, and the most common request is for weight loss. I have found there is a link between this overgrowth and an inability to shed excess fat.

Candida lives in pockets in the gut, likes to eat sugar carbohydrates and yeast. Its root causes can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. I have found lab testing to be essential to identifying and treating effectively with herbal supplements, along with dealing with the root cause…

Duration : 0:10:26

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Have You Ever Wondered Why You Can’t Lose Weight?

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Parasites Worms & Plaque Are Why You Can’t Lose Weight

World-Famous TV Lady Doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keep you unhealthy, fat & just plain sick… “The Reason You Can’t Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! …

The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little ‘CRITTERS’ Living in Your Guts!” “…And Now I’m Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more – and Keep It Off FOREVER!!” Ask yourself … Do you really want all this junk living inside your guts?

This is harmful Plaque (below) – Everybody has it. But to keep from getting sick and to be able to maintain a healthy body weight you MUST get rid of it now! If you don’t, it will eventually cause you to not be able to lose weight (regardless of how much you diet and exercise!) and eventually it will kill you!

These are harmful Parasites (below) – Everybody has them. If left to live and breed inside your stomach, small and large intestines and colon, they will eventually cause you to puff up, gain lots of weight, get sick more often, and take many, many years off your life!

They use your body as a ‘Food Storehouse’ and so they can live and breed by the millions. But now it’s time to flush them out and down the toilet for good. If you don’t they will just make you fatter and much, much sicker!

Would you trust anything living in your bowels that has teeth but NO eyes? “Most doctors, so-called diet gurus and fitness experts are either lying to you, or just plain don’t know what they’re really talking about!” That’s Right!

This lady Doctor is Ticked-off at Everyone for Lying to You!! … And Now She’s Putting an End to It for Good! …But Will You Listen to Her???

Duration : 0:1:31

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Why Black People Can’t Lose Weight

Why Black People Can't Lose Weight Why Black People Can’t Lose Weight

This book discusses:

* The Psychology Behind The Vicious African American Weight Loss Cycle

* The Truth About Fad Diets and Weight Loss Surgery

* The Chronic Disease Burden That Makes Blacks An Endangered Species

* New Scientific Research That Debunks All Current Methods and Approaches To Overall Wellness

* A Powerful Two-Step Process To Change Your Psychology Towards Health Goals

* Revolutionary Health Secrets

* How To Live A Completely Balanced Life (whether you’re trying to lose weight or not)

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Could candida be the reason why you can t lose weight part 2

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Could candida be the reason why you can t lose weight part 2

The most common gut problem I see in my clients is a candida overgrowth, and the most common request is for weight loss. I have found there is a link between this overgrowth and an inability to shed excess fat.

Candida lives in pockets in the gut, likes to eat sugar carbohydrates and yeast. Its root causes can be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. I have found lab testing to be essential to identifying and treating effectively with herbal supplements, along with dealing with the root cause…

Duration : 0:6:59

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This Ezine Article is for Those Who Can’t Lose Weight

Tip On How To Lose Weight Fast

To lose weight fast, the best tip I can give you is to take massive action with a multi-prong approach.

Without going to extremes like surgery or even risking side effects with diet pills, you can lose weight fast in the natural way by focusing on these three areas:

– Change your eating habit

– Walk your way to weight loss

– Be active in your daily routine

1) Change Your Eating Habit

How many calories do you ingest from a typical meal at a fast food restaurant?

If you guess 600 kcal, you’re still short…

A packet of fries at a fast food outlet easily give you more than 600 kcal. And we haven’t even counted the burger and the carbonated drink!

Now, that meal alone gives you much more than you can burn and the excess is then stored as fat. Just imagine how much fat we keep storing in our bodies if we continue to eat the way we do.

In other words, we simply overeat!

So, you simply need to eat less per meal. If you can reduce at least one-third or even half of what you’re eating, you would not stop adding to your body fat.

The rule of thumb is to eat till you’re not hungry at each meal rather than eat till you’re feeling full.

As you eat less per meal, you should eat more meals.

What? Eat more meals to lose weight?

Yes, absolutely! Because if you just eat less per meal, you would feel hungry between meals and your body will think that you’re going through a famine and start to slow down its metabolism. So, eating smaller meals 5 or 6 times per day would not cause your metabolism to slow down unnecessarily.

2) Walk Your Way To Weight Loss

Walk, not run!

Yes, if you think you lose more weight by running, you’re in for a surprise.

Just look at any tread mill the next time you’re at a gym. The fat burning zone is always at typically 55% to 70% of your target heart rate which is lower than the aerobic zone at 70% to 80%.

The reason for this is that when you work out at the higher target heart rate, you would not be able to last. For people who are obese, they probably won’t even last for five minutes and that would translate to perhaps 50 or 100 kcal! But if they are working out at the lower heart rate, they could last for at least half an hour to one hour.

So, if you want to lose weight fast, a ‘quick’ way (or rather slow way) is to take long walks each day for at least 1 to 2 hours! Yes, you need that long duration in order to burn as many kcal as possible.

3) Be Active In Your Daily Routine

Every bodily activity helps you to lose weight including breathing, walking, working, even eating itself needs energy.

What you can do to help to burn as many calories as possible is to increase your incidental activities such as volunteering to do household chores or mow the lawn. Can you imagine how happy your spouse or family members would be?

Yes, move around as much as you can. Even if you’re sedentary most of the time, learn to take breaks after every 30 to 40 minutes and just walk around and do some stretching.

If you can stick to this three prong approach for at least month, I guarantee that you will see results. However, that’s not all. To get more free tips to lose weight fast, feel free to visit my web site.

Alice Loh